
From the raw material
to the shipment an

The automated production system and a precise respect of the standards grant the production of flexible packaging in thermoplastic materials free from any contamination for the food, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries.


100% tracking from the
order to the delivery

Any order is accepted and recorded as soon as it arrives in the company and each step of the tracking is granted.

01 - A raw materials department
1. Acceptance and indexing
2. Storing
02 - Blown film extrusion department
1. Raw materials aspiration
2. Dosing, mixing and r.m. tracking
3. Film extrusion
4. Corona treatment
5. Flexographic printing
6. Micro-perforation
7. Pre-cutting
8. Pre-cutting & welding
9. Rools packing
10. Storage of semi-finished and finished products
11. Finished product shipping
03 - Reparto taglio-saldatura
1. Macro-perforation
2. Cutting
3. Welding
4. Packing
5. Finished product storage
6. Shipment

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